The 3e Group generated € 711 million of external sales in 2023, € 501 million of which was in Austria, making the 3e Group one of the big players in the Austrian DIY market.
More than 328 renowned companies in Austria and abroad bundle their purchasing activities and ensure their competitive advantage with joint market concepts.
For the customers this means noticeable advantages in both the price and the quality of the products and services offered!
A key success factor for 3e member companies is target group-orientated product ranges, which are designed by 3e Category Management and developed at the best possible purchase prices and conditions.
In addition, the expansion of the delivery programme from the 3e central warehouse to ensure a fast and needs-based supply of goods for the member companies is an important strategic focus of 3e Category Management. AHS Austria Hartwaren, Service und Marketing GmbH, a subsidiary with more than 25 years of import experience, is responsible for the procurement of non-European markets.
In addition to well-known manufacturer brands, 3e's own brands are of great importance, as they are exclusively available to 3e's partner companies. Cooperative collaboration with trading partners is of central importance. In addition, 3e member companies and co-operation partners can benefit from third-party contracts with contracted suppliers, which is another service provided by the group.
Head of Category Management, authorised signatory
"The main topics in the commercial area are management based on transparency and increasing digitalisation.
We support and advise our members as well as the central division and the branches as an internal service provider in the areas of finance, accounting, controlling, HR and legal issues."
Head of Finance, Controlling and Administration, authorised signatory
"Advise, sell, analyse and develop: These are the core values in sales with which we remain successful in the long term. We combine the experience and success of our own markets and our members in order to derive strategies for further development in sales. In this way, we optimise our success strategy with regard to the changing challenges in sales.
Our customers usually come to us with specific ideas, as they have already gathered information on the Internet in advance. In addition to expert advice, we therefore also offer a comprehensive range of services. By expanding our services, we want to strengthen our members and our own markets now and in the future. In sales, we see ourselves as the interface between the expectations and ideas of customers and members. Our aim is to develop and implement a successful sales concept based on these expectations and ideas."
Head of Sales, authorised signatory
"Existing business models are being called into question by digitalisation and markets are becoming increasingly volatile. We provide help and support to meet these challenges. We digitalise business processes so that we have the right answers to changing market conditions. Whether artificial intelligence, big data or IoT, 3e IT provides concrete and beneficial tools for the future topics of the 4.0 world.
The focus is on data, timeliness, transparency and agility. In order to master the challenges of digital transformation efficiently and sustainably, IT offers our members professional core services.
In logistics, we focus on the essentials: The right goods are provided to our customers and members at the agreed time at the right place in the desired quality.
Omnichannel and new forms of distribution logistics will open up numerous opportunities for us as a buying group.
As 3e, we grow with the success of our customers and members."
Head of IT & Logistics, authorised signatory
Sales is more than just selling. The retail landscape, economic conditions, customer expectations and buying habits have changed significantly in recent years, presenting retailers with new challenges.
What has not changed is the desire of customers for their individual needs to be met as quickly as possible, in high quality and for a personal contact person to be available.
In order to be able to guarantee this, we see our task in sales as the best possible support for our partners and members.
With the right assortment, good availability, and the best possible logistical support, we can guarantee this. In addition, we help with good shelving concepts and services, as well as support in planning promotions and optimizing processes.
We are happy to take on board the ideas and wishes of our customers and our partners and work together with the specialist departments to develop scalable yet individual
Head of Sales International
The trading markets and their conditions are currently changing more drastically than ever before. What was considered "state of the art" just a few years ago has changed little or significantly by today. This affects many areas, but especially marketing in its various forms. In particular, within the marketing area of the retailer network, it is important to both find the best common "denominator" and highlight the regional USPs.
The regionally anchored entrepreneur needs all the prepared marketing channels to effectively reach their customers in the specialized retail market.
As the marketing team at 3e Central, we see ourselves as "service providers" with and for our members. Whether it’s analog or digital marketing activities, CRM, individual flyers, customer touchpoints, or promotional materials!
Our goal is to define and pursue the long-term strategic marketing mix in order to achieve the best possible success for our customers and end customers!
Head of Marketing